Hotel Puerta de Las Granadas
Hotel Puerta de Las Granadas

How to get to the hotel Puerta de las Granadas

How to reach us

How to get there - Hotel Puerta de las Granadas

We want your arrival to Granada to be ideal. That is why we have prepared a map with the most recommended routes to get to the hotel by car.

We remind you that the circulation of vehicles on Gran Vía de Colón is prohibited. Be careful, as the GPS could guide you through this street.

How to get there by car
(Except Saturdays and Sundays)

How to get there by bus
(Except Saturdays and Sundays)

How to get there by train
(Except Saturdays and Sundays)

How to get there from the airport
by taxi or bus


We need the data from your vehicle (full name and ID/passport of the driver, license plate), as access to the historic center of Granada is restricted and only authorized vehicles can circulate with the information you have provided us.

To arrive with your car at the door of our hotel, you can do so by following the following options:

How to get there from the bus station

How to get from the train station

How to get there from the airport